
At Rahimia Institute of Quranic Sciences, we publish content concerning all walks of life in the form of research materials, articles from various Rahimia Publications and multimedia files from Rahimia Youtube channel. The 'Knowledge Hub' is your one-stop-shop for accessing all educational resources.

Leaders Who Disrupt the Truthful Party

It has been narrated from Hazrat Huzaifa (R.A) who says, "By God, I don't know whether my fellows forgot it or are lost themselves in other obsessions! By God, …

The Literal Purpose of Fasting

Hazrat Abu Huraira RA narrates that Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said that he who doesn't quit the practices of telling lie and doing void acts, Allah doesn't need …

Following Prophet’s Path

Hazrat Abu Huraira (R.A) states, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) told him, “Anyone who follows my path firmly when my ummah would have gone astray, would equa…

Condemnation of Flatterers and Sycophants

Flattery and sycophancy are spread well-nigh everywhere. Kings and the rich have encouraged sycophants by rewarding them. Poets made it their occupation to earn by eulog…

Maulana Mamluk Ali (1788-1851)

Maulana Mamluk Ali (1788-1851)

Biographies By Wasim Ejaz
Jul 07, 2020

Rahimia Magazine (October,2016) The Waliullahi movement played a leading role in the freedom movement of the Indo-Pak subcontinent. It remained at the…

Articles of Significance By Mufti Abdul Khaliq Azad Raipuri
Jul 07, 2020

Rahimia Magazine (October,2016) After 1920, there was a consensus around the world that new states will be emerge on the basis of nationality and thus…

Religious Attitudes of Pakistani Society

British intrigues, narrow mindedness of Hindu leadership and dismal economic situation of Muslims were a few significant factors that played their part in the run-up to …

Economic Principles of Islam

Economic Principles of Islam

Articles of Significance By Mufti Abdul Khaliq Azad Raipuri
Jul 07, 2020

(The following piece is an adapted and translated version of Mufti Abdul Khaliq Azad’s lecture delivered at FAST University, Islamabad on April 24, 2010. The detai…

Words of Wisdom (Sayings of Shah Saeed Ahmed Raipuri R.A)

Rahimia Magazine ,October 2016 (Following are the quotations of Hazrat-e-Aqdas Shah Saeed Ahmed Raipuri (R.A), referenced from ‘Azm’ Series Multan) 1.T…

امریکی غلبے کے شاخسانے؛ لیبیا

بحیرۂ روم کا وہ علاقہ جو چڑھتے ہوئے سورج کی سرزمین کہلاتا ہے، یعنی وہ ممالک جو بحیرۂ روم کے مشرقی کنارے پر واقع ہیں، لیبیا ان میں سے ایک ہے۔ معمر قذافی نے 1969ء میں یور…