False News and the Consequences of Baseless Actions

Mufti Abdul Khaliq Azad Raipuri
Mufti Abdul Khaliq Azad Raipuri
Jun 18, 2023 - Khutbat e Juma
False News and the Consequences of Baseless Actions

Lahore, Pakistan — On May 19, 2023, Mufti Abdul Khaliq Azad Rai-Puri Chief Administrator Rahimia Institute of Quranic Sciences Lahoredelivered a sermon at the Rahimia Institute of Quranic Sciences (Trust) in Lahore, highlighting the dangers of false news and the need for a thorough investigation before taking action.

Mufti Abdul Khaliq Azad Rai-Puri emphasized that Islam provides a comprehensive system for education, moral upbringing, and success in both worldly life and the hereafter. He discussed the obligations and responsibilities of believers in a community, the code of conduct for living in society, and the fundamental ethics necessary for the formation of human societies, as outlined in the Noble Quran.

Referring to the establishment of a benevolent state in Medina by Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, Mufti Rai-Puri noted that the Prophet provided guidance on organizing society, politics, economics, and other aspects of communal life. The Quranic verses revealed during that time offered comprehensive guidance, including a bit of notable advice from Allah:

"O you who have believed, if there comes to you a disobedient one with information, investigate, lest you harm a people out of ignorance and become, over what you have done, regretful" (Surah Al-Hujurat 49:6, translation by Sheikh ul-Hind).

Mufti Abdul Khaliq Azad Rai-Puri emphasized the importance of thoroughly investigating any news or information brought by sinful and wicked individuals. Acting on unverified news is deemed incorrect, as it can lead to unjust accusations against a community, party, or nation. He cautioned against the repercussions of acting upon false information, expressing regret, and having to apologize later for the mistakes made. Therefore, it is essential to investigate and verify the accuracy of news or statements before taking any action, ensuring that one is not misled against another nation by deceitful individuals.

This ethical principle serves to discourage the spread of false propaganda and social fragmentation within human societies. Throughout history, oppressive rulers like Pharaoh, Namrood, Shaddad, and Haman, as mentioned in the Quran, have employed tactics of deceit and slander to achieve their objectives, manipulating public opinion through the machinery of power.

Translated by: Amna Iqbal, Lahore

Weakening the Political Force of Ahrarby the ‘Shaheed Ganj Mosque’ Conspiracy

Mufti Khaliq Azad Rai Puri emphasized the historical pattern of Pharaonic and imperial systems, where lies are fabricated and disseminated with meticulous planning, leading to subsequent actions. Freedom movements are suppressed, and the efforts of leaders are undermined through malicious intentions.

For instance, after the year 1920, when the liberation movement against the oppressive British government in the Indo-Pak region was organized based on the principles of non-violence, a significant milestone was achieved in 1935. After 15 years of continuous struggle, the government was compelled to introduce the practice of voting to form representative governments under the 1935 Indian Act. In Punjab, a province with a Muslim majority, it was anticipated that the majority party "Ahrar"(Majlis-e Ahrar-e Islam, also known short as Ahrar, is a religious Muslim political party in the Indian subcontinent that was formed during the British Raj on 29 December 1929 at Lahore) would come into power through fair elections.

However, the British authorities perceived the potential formation of an "Ahrar" government as a threat and devised a plan to thwart it. The blueprint for this scheme was crafted in the Shimla Government Houses. As part of this plan, the Abdullah Khan mosque( Shaheed Ganj Mosque, originally named the Abdullah Khan Mosque was a mosque in LahorePunjabPakistan. The Mosque was commissioned in 1722 during the reign of Mughal Emperor Muhammad Shah and built by Abdullah Khan construction was completed in 1753 during the reign of Ahmad Shah Bahadur. It was constructed next to the shrine of Pir Shah Kaku) in Lahore and was overnight demolished by Sikh soldiers in the army. The blame for this act was falsely attributed to all Sikhs, with the fabricated narrative widely spread throughout Lahore via media channels of that time. This misinformation led to riots.

Since the leaders of Ahrar were engaged in national politics and refrained from engaging in communal violence, propaganda was initiated against them. It was claimed that these leaders failed to fight against those responsible for the mosque demolition. Simultaneously, Sikhs were informed that the seemingly peaceful Ahrar group was their enemy. If the Ahrar leaders participated in the conflict, Sikhs were told that they were not peaceful as believed. Conversely, if the Ahrar leaders refrained from participating, Muslims were told that the leader who attended the governor's house and facilitated reconciliation should be considered the true leader of Muslims, discrediting Ahrar. Consequently, the largest party in Punjab, Ahrar, was defamed and defeated through calculated tactics.

This incident illustrates how false news and propaganda were employed to manipulate the election results in Punjab in 1936. This was the region's first-ever election. Since then, it is difficult to ascertain the fairness of subsequent elections. The perception of an election is valid depends on whether the desired outcomes are achieved, leading to skepticism when results do not align with expectations.

Translated by Hamza Ashraf

  1. Over the Last Hundred Years, Our Style of Politics is Similar

Mufti Khaliq Azad Rai-Puri furtherstated that "In the explanation of the mentioned verse of Surah Al-Hujurat, the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said,

'Verification and investigation are from Allah Almighty, and haste is from Satan.'

(Tafsir Tabari)

This means that when someone brings news, it is important to investigate and examine it thoroughly, avoiding hastiness. One should proceed with steadfastness, avoiding agitation and calmly considering who is behind the news. The objective is to maintain social harmony. False propaganda is often premeditated, spread, and amplified by the media. Restrictions are imposed on the media, preventing the conveyance of truth, the message of love, and peace. Instead, media outlets are encouraged to discuss divisive matters and create controversy, fueling sensationalism with their focus on "Breaking News."

Today, it is essential to reflect upon how genuine leadership was undermined in the 1936 elections. The very individuals who acted against the true party of Punjab are now working against each other through their affiliated parties. These parties, too, are part of the existing system. What kind of freedom and liberty do these parties truly represent? If not a lesson, then what is it? Today, the people of Punjab should utilize their intellect while dealing with this situation. It is evident that our political consciousness has not developed over the past century, resulting in continued disruption and a role in breaking social unity while squandering our own national resources.

Remember, unless the Muslims of this land understand the true history of two hundred years of British colonialism and contextualize it properly, their problems will persist. Regardless of how many revolutionary parties in this country raise slogans of freedom, and claim to bring change and justice, they must first acknowledge the oppressive realities of the two hundred years of British rule. Those who refuse to recognize the mistakes of the past cannot make progress on solid ground. What claims of revolution do they hold? What freedom and change are they truly advocating?"

 Translated by Tehreem Zafar, Lahore.

  1. Understanding the Essence of Change and Its Strategy

Hence, Mufti Khaliq Azad Rai-Puri emphasized the true meaning of change, highlighting the importance of rectifying the foundation before attempting to construct new and attractive structures on top of a dilapidated building. He called for the rejection of a system built on lies, hypocrisy, and the interests of British imperialism, and instead advocated for establishing a foundation based on the Islamic system and the values of righteousness prevalent before British rule.

Mufti Khaliq Azad Rai-Puri encouraged reflection on the teachings of revered figures such as Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh, Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai, and others who played significant roles in fostering unity within the region. He urged society not to rely on the foundation laid during the two hundred years of British colonialism, but rather to establish a new foundation rooted in noble values, tolerance, humanity, freedom, and liberty that characterized the pre-colonial era. Hazrat Rai-Puri argued that true change and freedom can only be achieved by reconnecting with the essence of that era and upholding its values, as the flawed foundation of colonialism hinders genuine transformation.

Further, he also highlighted the pivotal point that unless the slavery of the British colonial period and its far-reaching effects, particularly in the State of Medina where Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) provided guidance for humanity, are rejected, there can be no true freedom, revolution, justice, change, or Islam. Mufti Abdul Khaliq Azad Rai-Puri questioned how anyone can speak against the Quran and claim to represent Islam or go against the commandments of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and still assert to embody Islamic values.

He emphasized the importance of wisdom among Muslims, which entails critically assessing information, its sources, and the motives behind specific narratives, and cautioned against being swayed by agitation and incitement, suggesting that such behavior does not align with the word of Allah but rather reflects the influence of either human or jinn or devils.

Hazrat Rai-Puri stressed the need for political consciousness and urged individuals to safeguard themselves from being exploited by oppressive systems and their machinery. He highlighted the Quran's guidance to investigate, conduct research, and approach matters with a calm and steadfast mind, avoiding hastiness. Mufti Khaliq Azad Rai-Puri questioned the efficacy of chaotic reactions, vandalism, and violence in bringing about a true revolution. Instead, he called for reasoned and reflective action based on thorough understanding and consideration.

Translated by Khalida Parveen, Lahore.

Mufti Abdul Khaliq Azad Raipuri
Mufti Abdul Khaliq Azad Raipuri

Spiritual Mentor of Khanqah Aalia Rahimia Qadiria Azizia Raipur

Chief Administrator Rahimia Institute of Quranic Sciences

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