Rawalpindi: In his recent visit to Russia on March 20, 21, and 22, Chinese President Xi Jinping outlined a comprehensive agenda (points 8-12) aimed at fostering strategic cooperation between China and Russia. The details of the agenda are as follows:
Point 8: Mitigating Strategic Threats: President Xi emphasized the importance of refraining from the use of nuclear weapons and avoiding nuclear conflicts. He called for a global commitment against the development, advancement, and utilization of chemical and biological weapons. China remains steadfast in opposing any research, development, or deployment of such weapons by any country.
Point 9: Ensuring Food Security: President Xi stressed the need for concerted efforts to facilitate the import of grain from the signed Black Sea Grain Agreement among Russia, Turkey, Ukraine, and the United Nations. International support, particularly from the United Nations, plays a pivotal role in realizing China's proposed global food security initiative, which serves as a viable solution to the ongoing global food crisis.
Point 10: Ending Unilateral Sanctions: President Xi voiced China's opposition to unauthorized unilateral sanctions imposed by the United Nations Security Council. It is essential for countries to abandon unilateral sanctions and the misuse of "long-arm jurisdiction" to alleviate the Ukrainian crisis and create favorable conditions for the economic development of progressive nations, thus improving livelihoods.
Point 11: Sustaining Industrial and Supply Stability: All parties must work collectively to maintain the current global economic system and refrain from using it as a tool for political objectives. Joint efforts are required to minimize the spread of crises, prevent disruptions in energy, finance, trade of food, and transportation, and safeguard global economic recovery from any setbacks.
Point 12: Promoting Post-Conflict Reconstruction: International solidarity should be demonstrated through supporting post-conflict reconstruction in conflict-ridden regions. China stands ready to provide assistance and play a constructive role in rebuilding efforts. Rather than criticizing Russian actions during the Ukrainian conflict, President Xi focused on ensuring absolute cooperation and the provision of necessary resources. This visit, amidst a period of war, serves as an ethical endorsement.
These points shed light on several pertinent aspects: the actions of Western nations, emerging challenges, and future projections. China recognizes the deteriorating situation in Europe due to the war and the imperative need for assistance, as suggested by some countries. Western nations' actions encompass terminating self-determination, the mentality of the Cold War, the cessation of hostilities, and ending unilateral sanctions. The agenda covers various global and regional issues, such as the disastrous consequences of undermining self-determination. Over the past century, Western powers have recklessly dismantled the autonomy of smaller nations, plundering their resources with audacity, oppression, and hypocrisy. The blame for these acts also falls upon Western powers, as they were equal partners in these actions. The mentality of the Cold War also aligns with the European theater, as it engendered a war-prone environment in the aftermath of the Second World War. The notion of pitting smaller nations against each other and arming them became a practical strategy. Western arms manufacturers found a business opportunity, leading to the mitigation of the economic crisis. Spreading a hostile mentality on a global scale was also attributed to the West, as the dissolution of the Soviet Union left no justification for maintaining NATO. Regarding economic sanctions, the responsibility lies with European powers as well. They have wielded economic restrictions as a tool, hindering the progress of nations and perpetuating global economic crises.
Problems created by the west: Humanitarian crisis, protection of war prisoners. Future prospects; revival of peace negotiations, ensuring reliable grain transmission, protection of nuclear power plants, reducing strategic risks, safeguarding the global economic system, reconstruction after conflicts.
In retrospect, all these points are related to the actions of Western powers in the Maghreb region, so they are responsible for it. They are the ones who have to act on it. Today, the balance of power is being established in the world, which will lead towards peace. The environment of killing, looting, fear, and terror has been created in the world, which has forced the human race to seek refuge. This has led to a humanitarian crisis. Imposing wars on nations leads to the problem of war prisoners. The problem of war prisoners will not disappear just because the war ends. Grain is the guarantee of human survival, and ensuring its transmission is the primary responsibility of nations. Imposing economic sanctions on other nations is a conspiracy to enslave them, and its eradication is essential. The establishment of the current global economic system is not only necessary, but it also demands improvement and suitability, so that economic benefits can reach the marginalized human race without any discrimination, and class differences can be eliminated.
(Translated by: Shifaullah,Lahore.)

Mirza Muhammad Ramzan
Mirza Muhammad Ramzan
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