In our previous writings, it has been consistently emphasized that the existing organs of our state machinery, including the political system, are incapable of resolving our genuine problems. Instead, this outdated colonial system, also known as neo-colonialism, is solely responsible for giving rise to all our issues. Moreover, the political parties, or rather political factions, not only neglect their role in raising public awareness about the failures of the current system but also prioritize their own vested interests. The intense clashes and polarization among these parties have reduced our country to a battleground for power and wealth, disregarding any constructive changes or reforms.
These events, particularly those of May 9, 2023, need to be analyzed within this context. It is widely agreed that the loss of human lives, incidents of arson and violence, and damage to public properties and national symbols in the aftermath of creating an incendiary environment are unacceptable. The situation has become increasingly worrisome and tragic. From these events, it is evident that the political factions in our country show little concern for the political education and awareness of their members. Instead, they allow emotions to guide their actions, leading them to disregard the dire consequences of their acts.
An unorganized group always remains a mob or, at most, a crowd where individuals pursue their own personal agendas, devoid of moral values. The disruptive elements among the crowd prioritize their own interests and easily escape the consequences by exploiting the crowd's energy. When ordinary people within the crowd are apprehended, they often claim ignorance and evade responsibility. In this era of advanced technology, it is possible to track the activities of those involved in subversive acts. If technology is employed impartially, culprits can be brought to justice. However, if the current system only utilizes technology to safeguard its own interests, targeted negative outcomes are inevitable. Political figures in Pakistan, without exception, gather crowds and form factions to spread chaos, anarchy, and exert pressure whenever necessary.
Today, the younger generation must question whether blindly following the self-centered leadership of political parties and becoming part of their crowds and factions is in their best interest. They should resist being exploited by both internal and external elements within the system and instead, explore and nurture their own innate leadership qualities while channeling their energies in the right direction.
The youth of today should consciously study the political history of our country. Throughout our history, political and non-political powerful factions, protecting the decaying system, have even sacrificed innocent youth for their personal and vested interests. On such occasions, these political leaders convince the youth that their goal is within reach, urging them to abandon everything and sacrifice their lives as if victory is imminent. In reality, these leaders employ such tactics to exert pressure on their political opponents and rivals for power. They emotionally manipulate the youth, using them as pawns for their own self-interests.
The power and political system of our country undermine the citizens' ability to develop self-discipline and adhere to the rules and principles of social struggle. To truly serve their nation and uphold national integrity with a spirit of humanity, it is crucial to foster awareness and provide practical political training to the youth. Merely highlighting problems and citing examples from developed countries without comprehending the requirements for genuine system change is not enough. Failure to grasp these fundamental principles leads to ignorance among political leaders and a lack of understanding of the real situation. Consequently, instead of yielding positive results, society becomes engulfed in anxiety and restlessness caused by problems and suffering, which drives the youth towards anarchy due to frustration, deprivation, and hopelessness. These destructive forces fulfill their malicious intentions while the exploitative and decaying system continues to persist. In present era, one of the most potent and effective weapons of the imperialist power is to convert such situation of anxiety and frustration arising out of their problems in the countries into the civil war. In this way, it achieves its nefarious designs without using its resources and weapons. In the recent past, either the national or the military institutions and the youth of many countries were brought face to face during the civil wars, or by fanning the differences among the ranks of the leadership of their national institutions entrusted with the responsibility for their national defense, these countries were further pushed toward to the civil wars and anarchy. This is such a dangerous strategy whose disastrous results can be observed today in those countries where the natives of these countries have been either inflicting their own wounds or further pouring salt on them. The lesson that the real national freedom movements of this region have for the young generations around the world is that first of all the system of ideological and practical training should be developed to build the true understanding and deep insight for the just and kind system with the full awareness of practical requirements for it. And in order to achieve all, it is also necessary to tread the path of peaceful national, democratic and political as well as social struggle without transitory emotions.
Translated by: Shahid Kiani, China

Muhammad Abbas Shad
Editor Monthly Rahimia Magazine, Lahore