Rahimia Magazine (December,2014)
In addition to political and religious parties, parties which work for reformation of individuals relish a widespread popularity and influence across the society. These reformist parties are based on hatred of political process and negation of social sciences such as sociology, economics, human psychology, etc. All their efforts are aimed at rectification of individuals and elimination of their personal faults. They have confined themselves to deliver sermons of piousness and good deeds in the society. They believe that when every individual will rectify himself according to their standards of piety, all problems of society will be solved automatically. It is an unnatural and illogical approach towards society.
Throughout human history, national progress or decline is attributed to the organized system which is being implemented in the society. When primary institutions of a country (parliament, bureaucracy and judiciary) are corrupt and dysfunctional, focusing on individual correction can never be fruitful. It is an undeniable fact that nearly all problems of the society arise due to actions of a particular class. If evil actions of the ruling classes are not curbed by existing system, then problems in the society continue to pile up.An unjust system patronizes and guards the interests of exploitative classes. Hence, we must realize that organized crime and systematic corruption can only be countered with the help of a collective system based on justice.
These parties introduce fragmented and distorted version of religion instead of comprehensive teachings of Islam pertaining to different walks of human life. They degrade and denounce sincere efforts in the fields of politics, economics and administration and consider them as “worldly desires”. Due to their hatred and ignorance of political and economic affairs in the society, they are unable to draw any logical opinion about the exploitation carried out by established political and economic system. Their teachings develop a mindset according to which economic and social conditions of people are only related to their fate and destiny. Thus, they believe that poverty and affluence are dependent solely upon the will of God and has nothing to do with economic policies which are being implemented in the society. They not only consider any change or betterment in the social and economic status of common man as unnecessary but also preach others to refrain from intervening in the ‘will’ of God.
Although these reformist parties keep their non-political outlook and do not participate in any political process, still they provide indirect support to specific political parties during general elections. They stimulate their followers to support and vote for certain candidates in order to gain personal interests. These parties not only keep people unaware of their political and social rights but also divert their attention from exploitative forces of society which are actually responsible for all social evils. In other words, they intentionally or unintentionally spread individualism, selfishness, despair and insensitivity in the society thereby protecting and strengthening the oppression carried out by ruling classes.
According to reformist school of thought, society is constructed on the actions and character of individuals. Since they do not understand how good or bad system affects society as a whole, they fail to see imminent failure of their earnest efforts in the hands of wide spread and influential policies devised by different state institutions. National system of any country shapes lives and behaviors of millions through its policies while these parties are satisfied of their social responsibilities with partial reformation of few individuals. In the prevalent circumstances, there is a dire need to initiate a collective, conscientious and disciplined struggle against organized and systematic mechanism of injustice and exploitation. This will pave the way for the implementation of Islamic teachings comprising of justice, peace and welfare in the society.
Translation: Muhammad Usman, Faisalabad

مولانا محمد عباس شاد
مولانا محمد عباس شاد پنجاب یونیورسٹی لاہور اور جامعہ اشرفیہ کے فاضل اور ادارہ رحیمیہ علوم قرآنیہ سے وابستہ ہیں۔ ماہنامہ "رحیمیہ" اور سہ ماہی "شعور و آگہی" (لاہور) کے مدیر اور دارالشعور پبلشرز لاہور کے چیئرپرسن ہیں۔ ماہنامہ الصدق کے مدیر کے طور پر بھی فرائض انجام دیتے رہے۔
قومی اور سماجی مسائل کے علاوہ قومی اور بین الاقوامی سطح کے حالاتِ حاضرہ ان کی خصوصی دلچسپی کا میدان ہے۔ ماہ رحیمیہ میں گزشتہ کئی سالوں سے "شذرات" کے نام سے اداریہ لکھ رہے ہیں ۔