Rahimia Magazine (December,2015)
We are living in strange times. Challenge we are facing today is that although crime is prevalent all around, still it is extremely difficult to trace the criminals and their masterminds. Horrible acts of terrorism are happening on consistent basis in all parts of the world.Whenever any country is affected by some act of terrorism, there is a strong reaction of sorrow and anger from every part of the world to condemn the act. While people are still recovering from this incident, similar incident happens in another part of the world and everyone is shocked again.
America had 9/11, India had Mumbai attacks, Pakistan suffered from barbarian act of terrorism at APS and similar incidents are now happening across the world including Paris, Madrid and London. All nations have vowed to eradicate terrorism from its roots; however, there seems no end to such heinous acts of terrorism in the near future. This raises many questions regarding the reality and complexity of this phenomenon. The undeniable matter of fact is that even developed nations,who are far ahead in terms of scientific and technological development, seem helpless against this menace of terrorism. The first question which strikes in our minds is that how do the terrorist get access to extremely sophisticated technology that is being used in such criminal acts.? Most of this technological equipment is manufactured in different industries of the developed world.How do the terrorists get access to the latest vehicles and transportation systems that are being employed in such acts? Another important question is about the finances required for such acts; how do the terrorist get access to the scores of the wealth & capital required to execute such activities?Why is it so that despite of all advancement in science and technology, developed world is unable to detect and identify the satellite based communication systems which are being used by the terrorist outfits? Don’t we have the technology to decode and crack such systems or is it so that terrorists have outplayed the rest of the world in terms of technological advancements? How come terrorists get access to all these resources and facilities and through what means it is being transferred to the sites of terrorism?Aren’t they important questions and if yes then why the developed countries of this world are keeping mum on these really important questions?
People who question Pakistan’stability to safeguard their nuclear assets, why don’t they ask Americans and their global allies that how does their technology reach those parts of the world that are considered as the enemies of United states of America. How come ISIS gets access to a complete latest model of (Toyota) vehicles in Iraq? The director of Toyota had said in Washington that they have informed American Establishment about the supply chain of Toyota in Middle East and had also informed the controls being used by Toyota to protect this supply chain. In spite of all these security procedures, ISIS still managed to create a robust transportation system based on Toyota Vehicles. Can they achieve this without any external help? How come the latest weapons from American factories reach Afghanistan which are then used against the afghan government? Similarly the opposition forces who fought against the Libyan government received latest weapons from unknown sources. It is presumed that they received all the assistance in terms of training, finance and weapons from western imperialist powers and their allies in Middle East (Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar)that enabled them to destroy the national army of Libya. Were they capable of defeating a strong government on their own resources?
It is not a rocket science to understand the whole scenario and we can identify the culprits who are behind this? and can expose them in front of the world. To understand these presumed mysteries, we have to understand how’s and what’s of capitalist system and have to understand the tactics that have been used in the past by this system to secure its capitalistic interests.Whatever is happening in the world around us today is because of the latest techniques of the capital based imperialism to protect and strengthen its exploitative objectives. Such terrorist activities serve two benefits. Firstly, western imperialism has managed to frighten its own population by exaggerating the threat of terrorism. Thereby, it justifies all its exploitative national policies and diverts the attention of common people from ever-increasing unemployment, poverty, privatization of public facilities and inflation. On the other hand, same threat of terrorism is used to justify their interventions and wars in different regions of the world to exploit their natural and strategic resources. No wonder that today Middle East, South Asia and majority of Africa is facing civil war, instability and anarchy. This has helped western imperialism to maintain their supremacy in different regions. Moreover, this has also created huge market of weapons for the military-industrial complex of western countries. Every year, trillions of dollars of under developed countries are spent on buying of weapons in the name of security and defense.A minute percentage of this expenditure is enough to eradicate poverty, illiteracy and unemployment from these countries. Peace, inter-racial and inter-religious harmony is a serious threat to this military industrial complex.
These weapons are not only sold to underdeveloped nations but the same weapons are being provided to all of the extremist organizations. Different regions are destabilized so that there may be no united resistance against the capitalist system.Afghanistan, Syria, Iran and Libya are some of the few examples where extremist groups are created, recruited, trained, organized and weaponized by the western powers in order to achieve imperialist objectives.Bombs, gunshots and killing of innocent people area normal practice for these terrorist groups. Also nerve wrecking fake videos of the killing of people is being made to intimidate the governments who are against the system capitalism. Irony of the fact is that with all of their evil-doings,leadership of Western Imperialism is also promoting “peace efforts to make this world a better place” and we are forced to believe this utter lie! It is the need of the hour that common human beings from around the global start realizing that Global Capitalism and Terrorism are two faces of the same coin. Both justify the existence of each other. In order to have a peaceful, prosperous and just world, we should resist and overcome both of these devils.
Translation: Mr.Faisal Islam, Karachi

مولانا محمد عباس شاد
مولانا محمد عباس شاد پنجاب یونیورسٹی لاہور اور جامعہ اشرفیہ کے فاضل اور ادارہ رحیمیہ علوم قرآنیہ سے وابستہ ہیں۔ ماہنامہ "رحیمیہ" اور سہ ماہی "شعور و آگہی" (لاہور) کے مدیر اور دارالشعور پبلشرز لاہور کے چیئرپرسن ہیں۔ ماہنامہ الصدق کے مدیر کے طور پر بھی فرائض انجام دیتے رہے۔
قومی اور سماجی مسائل کے علاوہ قومی اور بین الاقوامی سطح کے حالاتِ حاضرہ ان کی خصوصی دلچسپی کا میدان ہے۔ ماہ رحیمیہ میں گزشتہ کئی سالوں سے "شذرات" کے نام سے اداریہ لکھ رہے ہیں ۔